Le Caf by Dobson's 750ml
Le Caf by Dobson's 750ml
Canadian Maple Syrup and Espresso Liqueur
Definitely one of the best examples of the distillers art. You simply have to taste this with a quality vanilla pod ice cream softened and floating on the surface. It is truly a great spirit, even poured over ice cream as a dessert, or served as a simple affogato. The first time you taste it is always memorable.
750ml 36.7 % abv
Made in Kentucky NSW.
Liquor Act
Liquor Act 2007. It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of, a person under the age of 18 years. Lic No. LIQP770017512.
Seasons of New England does not offer a same day delivery service for alcohol products.
Delivery Australia wide is $16 per address.
Delivery to Uralla and Armidale is $5 - please select the Armidale and Uralla delivery option at checkout.
However for orders containing multiple hampers, please get in touch for a quote by emailing (info@seasonsofnewengland.com.au).
Ordering large quantities of hampers or putting together a special order is something we love - email info@seasonsofnewengland.com.au or call 0434 408 163 and we will organise what ever you need.
Seasons of New England holds a liquor license for the sale of alcohol online only. However we do not offer a same day delivery service on alcohol products.